Wednesday, July 10, 2013

District's Bullying Policy

District's Bullying Policy Link

  • Alpine School District is committed to provide students with safe and secure learning environments and believes a student’s ability to achieve academically can be reduced by bullying. Bullying can affect a student’s attendance as well as his/her sense of well-being. Bullying may result in physical illness, mental and emotional anguish and long-term social consequences.
  1. 2.1 Bullying is defined as aggressive behavior that is intended to cause harm or distress, exists in a relationship in which there is an imbalance of power or strength and may be repeated over time. Bullying may be physical, verbal/written or psychological.
  2. 2.2 Physical bullying includes, but is not limited to, pushing, grabbing, pinching, shoving, poking, tripping, kicking, hitting and destroying property.
  3. 2.3 Verbal/written bullying includes, but is not limited to, name calling, mean teasing, spreading false rumors, intimidation, sexual comments, harassing and threatening comments which are communicated verbally, in writing or through electronic media. (Cyber bullying)
    1. 2.3.1. Cyber bullying means using e-mail, web pages, text messaging, blogs, instant messaging, three-way calling or messaging or any other electronic means for aggression, intimidation, or harassment against another person. Examples include, but are not limited to, sending mean, vulgar, or threatening messages or images; posting inappropriate pictures of or sensitive, private information about the victim; pretending to be someone else to hurt that person; rude comments; lies; stalking; threats; extortion; harassment; and transmission of unflattering or embarrassing photographs.
  • Alpine School District prohibits bullying of students by other students at school or at school related functions (Ref: Utah Code 53A-11a-301). All victims of bullying and all persons with knowledge of bullying should report the incident(s) immediately. Actions to be taken are outlined in Policy No. 5180 DISCIPLINE and its associated Rules and Regulations and Procedures. S.C.R. 1 (2006) Resolution Encouraging School Boards to Adopt Policy Prohibiting Bullying.
Board Approved: March 13, 2007
Board Reviewed: April, 2012

Image Credit: Kootation dot com

District's Policy for Senior-High School Clubs

District's Club Policy Link

Policy No. 5530
  1. 1.1 General Provisions
    1. 1.1.1 Students are encouraged to enter into social activities of the school. All clubs and/or social groups shall:
      1. Exist for the benefit of all students of the school.
      2. Extend membership opportunities to all registered students.
      3. Be organized in such a way that membership cannot be determined, even in part, by the popular vote of the club membership.
      4. All clubs must adhere to standards of conduct set in Policy 5182 - Safe Schools.
      5. Submit charters, constitutions, and by-laws which are consistent with the rules and regulations herein stated and which shall be approved by the school principal, the school faculty, the superintendent and the board of education.
      6. Be under the sponsorship of one or more faculty members.
      7. In order to be eligible to participate in any club, a student must return a signed parental permission form for that club.
  2. 1.2 Skiing Clubs
    1. 1.2.1 Senior high schools may sponsor ski clubs.
    2. 1.2.2 The clubs may organize and conduct cross-country or downhill ski activities outside of school time for their club members.
    3. 1.2.3 Students must meet the general school requirement of purchasing the school accident insurance policy or having a completed insurance waiver form on file at the school.
    4. 1.2.4 Instruction and supervision prior to and during the activity are to be in keeping with the general requirements of prudence and reason.
    5. 1.2.5 Transportation to and from the activity must be on a licensed public carrier.
  3. 1.3 Hiking Clubs
    1. 1.3.1 Senior high schools may sponsor hiking clubs.
    2. 1.3.2 Students may not engage in cliff climbing, rappelling or similar activities.
Board Approved: February 23, 1982
Board Approved: February 14, 2006
Board Reviewed: March 5, 2013

Image Credit: Fineartamerica dot com