Thursday, June 27, 2013

Suicide Prevention Workshop and Invitations

I will be attending this workshop and thought to invite our high school principal and the three vice-principals. This could have two benefits: the obvious being suicide prevention and the other to establish sincere reasons behind a GSA.

Here is the letter I wrote to each (I haven't heard a reply and will update if I do):
Update: One wrote a kind letter back, showing appreciation, and explaining he had been out of town.

Hello! I'm an X resident who's kids aren't quite in high school, yet, but I still thought of you, the leaders of XHS, when I saw this flyer.  Whenever I hear of another suicide, it pulls on my heart, as it does with most of us.  I'm going to go to see what I can do. 

The workshop is tomorrow, Thursday, June 27, Provo Library. The flyer is attached.



PS - Would you give me a quick reply that you received this, please? Thank you.

Image credit: breakthroughthestatic dot org

Image credit: typebnewhope dot com