I met with the vice principal yesterday, who was very helpful. Here's some highlights from the meeting.
His advice about having a successful club:
-Make it inclusive
-Plan positive things to do around school
-be visible but not overbearing
He supplied us with a club application form. Once filled out, we take it for approval by the administration. If this is done before "Club Rush Week," then we can participate in it. GSA members set up a "station" to advertise/inform students about the new club and attract new members. In order to make it in time for that, we must:
-Have our application ready (there are several things we have to decide together)
-Need signatures from Faculty Advisor and 10 student members (we only have 7 so far)
-Contact Student Council to set up station for Club Rush Week.
If we don't do it in time for CRW, that's okay. We can still apply for the club.
I asked him for faculty names for a possible co-faculty advisor. He needs to think about it.
He thought the club was needed. He mentioned some community members may not understand and object. (Which, imo, shows even more the benefit of the club).
I gave him the Family Acceptance Project booklet, "Supportive Families, Healthy Children."