Monday, April 22, 2013

Where We Are So Far by Mom

Scout is preparing his paperwork to propose his project.  (Say that five times fast!)

Except for a couple of people in our LDS neighborhood, nobody knows about the content of Scout's project.  Even his scout leaders don't know, yet.  We thought it would be best to keep it quiet until we had enough information showing that starting a GSA club could be a real possibility.  We wanted to know we could do it before being told we couldn't do it.

Someone shared with me that usually the hardest part about starting a GSA club is finding a faculty advisor (FA) who is willing to dedicate time to the cause.  We have our angel!

We've also been in contact with a leader from the only other GSA in Utah County who has shown us the steps and our legal rights to start the club. (I hope to share those during a future post).

Many of these initial contacts via email and phone calls have been assisted by me.  It's important for Scout (who's 13 btw) to show leadership through this journey.  He writes the email that is sent through my account. He's made a couple of the calls, and has even presented his project idea in person to those we were seeking help from. (He was kind of nervous during those).  I fill in.  Some things at this point should be done by the parent.

We are not sure when he will seek project approval from the BSA.  The BSA will be voting the week of May 20 to see if they will continue to discriminate against gay scouts and leaders or not.  Should Scout present before that or after? We'll see.