Wednesday, June 25, 2014

No More Strangers: A Difference of Opinion

Friend Thomas Montgomery, active LDS member, responds to a common statement (next paragraph). His answers are so important to understand especially if we want to lift up and strengthen the youth as well as society in general. 

He responds to his friend's comment, "I wish we could learn to stop interpreting one person disagreeing with another person’s beliefs or lifestyle as being hateful...[I]t hurts me when others are accused of being haters simply because they disagree with another person’s lifestyle or beliefs.  I have struggled to understand how one can interpret a difference of opinion as being hateful.”

Click here for the link:

Or read here:

Over the past few years, I have had dozens of conversations with friends and family members who are active members of the LDS Church on the subject of homosexuality.  Most active members feel misunderstood and maligned by the ‘world’ and the ‘liberal press’ and labeled haters.  My wife and I have encountered this sentiment first hand as the majority of the LGBT people we have met believe that Mormons hate gay people.  Beyond our anecdotal evidence is a recent Pew Research Study that revealed that Mormons are perceived as the second most unfriendly religion (worldwide) to LGBT individuals. (

In our polarized political and social world, both the LGBT community and the Mormon community continue to speak past each other without genuine understanding.  Today I wanted to specifically help the Mormon community come to a place of better understanding.  Most Mormons I know try very hard to be kind and understanding.  They truly believe in attempting to be Christ-like to everyone.  Of course, the success of this effort varies widely from individual to individual, but on the whole they are very good people.

A friend of mine recently lamented, “I wish we could learn to stop interpreting one person disagreeing with another person’s beliefs or lifestyle as being hateful.  That feeling isn’t one any human being should ever be made to feel.  Equally it hurts me when others are accused of being haters simply because they disagree with another person’s lifestyle or beliefs.  I have struggled to understand how one can interpret a difference of opinion as being hateful.”

This line of thinking is very common in the LDS Church.  The incredulity of being hated for standing up for your beliefs is substantial.  And because homosexuality is so far outside of their life experience, it is like talking in a foreign language.  Here are some key points I want my Mormon friends to ponder and consider.

1)      This isn’t a simple disagreement over a personal preference.  People do not choose to be gay.  Whether it is biological or environmental in origin, being gay (or SSA) is an unalterable fact of life.  This is beyond debate as it is the conclusion of every major medical and psychological association in the country.  It is also accepted by the Church: “Even though individuals do not choose to have such attractions, they do choose how to respond to them.” (

2)      Your opinion takes everything precious away from me.  At a very fundamental level, our doctrine is devastating to LGBT youth and adults.  From a Mormon perspective, the only acceptable choices for someone who is gay are celibacy or a mixed orientation marriage (MOM).  This doctrine robs LGBT youth of hope.  It robs them of self-esteem and worth.  At best it tells you that you are broken and will be fixed in the next life.  It is a complete rejection of who you are now.  It tells you that unless you can change to a more worthy state (straight), you can never have the one thing that Mormons value most in life: family.

3)      There is no experiment you could devise that could duplicate the experience of being in the closet.  My son came out at age 13.  He was remarkably young.  He knew he was gay for probably less than two years before he came out.  In that time he suffered tremendously.  He was isolated and alone.  He felt hated by God and his family so much so that even suicide was an option.  As my wife said powerfully in the film ‘Families Are Forever’, “There is something not right with a 13 year old having to think that.”  For those of you who have suffered years and decades longer than my son, I can only imagine your pain and try to empathize.

4)      Sexual orientation is not cured through the Atonement. Many faithful LGBT Mormons pursue fixing and changing their orientation.  They become zealously obedience and faithful, many completing full-time missions with honor.  I personally know those who spend years and even decades dedicated to changing themselves, often to the point of self-hatred.  This dark path has also ended in suicide, extreme depression and drug abuse.  Best case scenarios result in an individual moving toward asexuality rather than completely reversing their orientation.

5)      Mixed Orientation Marriages (MOMs).  This is viewed as the gold standard of achievement for an LGBT individual raised in the Church.  While sexual orientation cannot be cured, some have been able to minimize their sexual attraction.  In a study of over 1,600 LGBT Mormons (the most extensive and current of its kind; ), 70-80% of those MOMs failed.  That’s an astronomical divorce rate.  Of those that succeeded, the gay spouses were far closer to a bi-sexual range than homosexual (as measured on the Kinsey scale).  Expecting and demanding this of all of our LGBT brothers and sisters is fraught with real danger.  There are straight spouses and innocent children involved.  President Hinckley specifically cautioned against MOMs as a cure or fix for homosexuality

6)      Celibacy.  Again, to end yet another prevalent assumption:  Celibacy is in no way comparable to being an older, straight single adult who never marries.  An LDS LGBT friend of mine said recently, “Single people pray every night to find someone to fall in love with.  Gay people trying to stay in the Church pray every night not to find someone to fall in love.” (Jamison Manwaring) Celibacy demands asexuality.  A straight single adult can date, hug, kiss, show affection for and pursue relationships.  A celibate LGBT youth or adult is shunned for showing any hint of affection for the same sex.  My Stake President was very specific to me regarding my son.  No activities that even encouraged same sex relationships are to be allowed or encouraged (Even holding hands).  Setting sex completely aside, we are forbidding someone from having what we find the greatest satisfaction in life.  Are we still just disagreeing?

7)      When have you ever expressed love to an LGBT person?  Our rhetoric is full of ‘love the sinner, hate the sin.’  I find it to be one of the most hypocritical and condemning statements that religious people make.  Because loving the sinner would require you at some point to have actually in some tangible way demonstrated love for the sinner.  We are condemned as haters by that same statement because there is no evidence of love.  I think back to Prop 8 in California.  There has been no outreach or effort of any kinds from the LDS community to the LGBT community in the past 6 years.  Just saying it doesn’t make it true.

8)      The stereotype of the “Gay Lifestyle” is an extreme born out of rejection.  The stereotype of the gay lifestyle is one of debauchery, lasciviousness, promiscuity, pornography and depravity.  The truth is that unlike the stereotype, every LGBT person I have met is remarkably….just like everybody else.  There is as much diversity among LGBT individuals as among straight people, but when you add in the devastation of being in the closet and the rejection of family and religion, you find a great backlash against those morals, principles and beliefs.  A backlash born of pain and suffering.  In the end, who is responsible for that pain and suffering?

9)      The true Gay Lifestyle.  I have met hundreds of LGBT people.  Most of them have Mormon roots and many still love the Church.  Many are doctors, lawyers, nurses, leaders, scout masters, store clerks as well as kids in high school.  They are as normal as you and me (even if some have a bit of flair and fabulous thrown in.)  They have normal life routines and very normal, loving relationships.

10)   Gay parents.  Again, I know hundreds of gay parents.  A few are in MOMs, many are amicably divorced yet still wonderful parents, and others are in same sex marriages.  I know a lesbian couple that I tremendously admire who have adopted 7 special needs young adult foster children.  We can hold to the ideal of one man and one woman all we want, but the truth is that two parents of any combination are more secure and stable than either one parent or no parents at all.

11)   Gay Marriage does not threaten traditional marriage.  The dangers to sexuality for heterosexual people are the same as those for gay people: debauchery, lasciviousness, promiscuity, pornography, depravity, etc….  These evils are alive and well in the heterosexual community.  In my children’s schools the majority of their friends are from broken homes.  But with contempt we point to the gay community as a threat?  Condemning homosexuality does nothing to improve or change the state of traditional marriage.  And because homosexuality is an inherit trait, there will be no more or less LGBT people in the future than there are now.  Our acceptance or condemnation does not influence how many LGBT people there are, but it would have a massive impact on their quality of life and life spans as they experience less rejection in their lives.

12)   I support Gay Marriage.  I don’t think I have ever written or declared this, but here it is.  The best way I can express this is by using the measure that Elder Oaks put forth in a General Conference talk entitled Good, Better, Best.  Here are my personal thoughts:

Current State of Affairs -
First, let’s take a moment to evaluate where we are starting from.  Currently, most LGBT youth and adults leave the Church. I am sure this is not a surprise or a point of debate.  Unfortunately, many of their family members follow.  In this article, I have put up no contention with policy or doctrine, but simply look at the fruit of the current state of affairs.  Statistically, highly rejected LGBT youth are 8 times more likely to commit suicide, 3 times more likely to be homeless, 3 times more likely to abuse drugs and 3 times more likely to get sexually transmitted diseases (
We can stick to our guns and defend the Proclamation on the Family until we are blue in the face and it will not save one LGBT life.  Each political action we take further cements our reputation as the most unfriendly religion to the LGBT community.  We currently alienate and drive our LGBT brothers and sisters from our stakes.  At the same time, those who are rejected from among us are left to the mercies of the world and fall straight into all the stereotypes we sought to protect them from.  Are we perpetuating a cycle of unintended yet devastating consequences?

What would be Good -
Can we withhold judgment long enough to just let them be among us?  Can we acknowledge that perhaps this subject is infinitely more complex than we ever considered?  Can we not assume that ‘different’ is the same as ‘depraved’?

But while the Atonement is meant to help us all become more like Christ, it is not meant to make us all the same.  Sometimes we confuse differences in personality with sin.  We can even make the mistake of thinking that because someone is different from us, it must mean they are not pleasing to God.  This line of thinking leads some to believe that the Church wants to create every member from a single mold – that each one should look, feel, think, and behave like every other.  This would contradict the genius of God, who created every man different from his brother, every son different from his father. (President Uchdorf)

For some reason, our Heavenly Father has LGBT children.  I refuse to believe that the status quo is acceptable.  Many remark that the “Gay Agenda” is seeking to change the doctrines of God to accept their lifestyle and want a ‘comfortable God’ that demands nothing of them.  Are you so sure of your positon that you are willing see a 13 year old boy commit suicide because of it?  I advocate for LGBT youth (especially LDS LGBT youth) because my ‘comfortable God’ finds that unacceptable.  There is something wrong.  This has been confirmed via the Holy Ghost to my soul.  If you want to not be hated, stop acting like a victim and acknowledge there needs to be change.

But what is changing – and what needs to change (emphasis added) – is to help Church members respond sensitively and thoughtfully when they encounter same-sex attraction in their own families, among other Church members, or elsewhere. (

What would be Better -
My wife and I were privileged to meet with Elder Christofferson recently last year.  He listened to our story and that of our gay son and the hardship we have encountered in the Church.  He was loving and compassionate.  He cried with us.  He didn’t attempt to give excuses or marginalize our experience.  His simple instruction to us was to “lead with compassion”.  I think this applies equally for those seeking a place for LGBT individuals in the Church as well as those that would label people in the Church as ‘haters’.

As a church, nobody should be more loving and compassionate.  Let us be at the forefront in terms of expressing love, compassion and outreach.  Let’s not have families exclude or be disrespectful of those who choose a different lifestyle as a result of their feelings about their own gender. (Elder Cook)

Leading requires action.  Nobody should be more loving or compassionate.  Being at the forefront requires a desire to reach out and make a difference.  Being at the forefront in today’s world means having the fortitude to endure the criticism that is sure to come from every side.  To not exclude or be disrespectful requires an elevation in the dialogue.  Instead of recounting our polarizing positions, perhaps we could actually just listen.  Listen with the intent to hear, not with the intent to respond or judge.

Lead with compassion. (Elder Christofferson)

What would be Best -
What should the Church do with its righteous LGBT members?  Currently there is no distinction made in our doctrine/policies between:
1. A straight person who lives a life of debauchery, lasciviousness, promiscuity and depravity
2. A righteous LGBT person in a committed same sex marriage.
3. An LGBT person who lives a life of debauchery, lasciviousness, promiscuity and depravity

I don’t know how we can’t see the inequality in the application of morality.  Accepting gay marriage as an acceptable civil arrangement does not threaten temple marriages.  Such individuals should be allowed to be part of the body of Christ; our wards and our stakes.  We are poorer without them.  They should be able to partake of the Sacrament and worship with us.  They are as committed and moral as any straight people I know.  Many are spiritual giants waiting to be included in the Church and serve with us.

In this Church that honors personal agency so strongly, that was restored by a young man who asked questions and sought answers, we respect those who honestly search for truth. 

Sometimes questions arise because we simply don’t have all the information and we just need a bit more patience.  When the entire truth is eventually known, things that didn’t make sense to us before will be resolved to our satisfaction.

Sometimes there is a difference of opinion as to what the “facts” really mean.  A question that creates doubt in some can, after careful investigation, build faith in others.

And, to be perfectly frank, there have been times when members or leaders in the Church have simply made mistakes.  There may have been things said or done that were not in harmony with our values, principles, or doctrine.

I suppose the Church would be perfect only if it were run by perfect beings.  God is perfect, and His doctrine is pure.  But He works through us-His imperfect children-and imperfect people make mistakes. (Elder Uchdorf)

So, can we ask the question, “What should the Church do with its righteous LGBT members?”  Let us give hope to those who have little.  Let us show love to those who have been hated and despised.  Let us raise our dialogue to lift up the spiritually wounded and find a place in our congregations for our LGBT brothers and sisters.  And if we can’t achieve what is Best, can we at least raise our efforts to what is Good or even Better.

Image Credit: wheatandtares dot org

Pride Parade 2014

I had the immense pleasure to march in the Pride Parade with some of our GSA club members and faculty advisor.  We joined Utah Pride Center and other Utah QSAs and were one of the last to march (right before the giant rainbow flag). I was originally going to march with Mormons Building Bridges, so I just wore my MBB t-shirt as a compromise. We had a fabulous time!

During the march, a young man amongst the spectators held up a fabric banner which said, "Born This Way." I ran over to him and gave him a big hug, and he wrapped the banner around me and held me tight. I told him, "I know. I am so sorry. Thank you for being patient with us."

I really wanted to go to the festival and be part of the MBB "Hugged by a Mormon" booth. Due to some minor health issues, I was so wiped out by then and headed home. (Next year!)

Jimi Hendrix - Our club's mascot
who supervises our meetings.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Our Last Meeting of the School Year

The club members surprised the faculty advisors and me with a lovely plant, rainbow Skittles, a prom pic of all of them, and a card. This is what was inside my card:

Dear Gina,
Thank you so much for being our club mom. We have absolutely loved getting to know you. Your time, energy, and love are why we have the GSA. We wouldn't have been able to do it without you. Thank you for getting to know us and letting us get to know you. You are such an amazing woman. We hope you know that we all love you. The graduating seniors will definitely come back to visit you. You have changed all of our lives. Thank you again for everything you have done and continue to do. <3/ the first ever AFHS GSA 2013-2014

{Yes, this made me cry. :) }
Here's a pic of most of us during our last official GSA meeting.
And to think, we began this group wondering
if we would ever have our FIRST official GSA meeting.
They have accomplished so much. So proud of them.
The year went too fast. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Queer Prom 2014

Utah Pride center hosts Queer Prom, a safe place for young people to have clean fun while being themselves. Our GSA group gathered themselves and took their own initiative to go (not a school-sponsored activity << disclaimer, LOL). I was asked to be the chaperone, and, oh, how I wish I could have (maybe next year). I absolutely love this group of people and will miss them so much (almost all are graduating). This has been a most-memorable, heart-growing year.

I'll answer some questions about the prom:

Q: Was there alcohol?
A: No

Q: Were there a bunch of people making out all over the place?
A: No

Q: What kind of music?
A: Mostly fast dancing songs. I was told there may have been one slow song.

Q: Were guys wearing dresses?
A: Yes, some. Gay guys, queer guys, and even straight guys were wearing dresses. [I wonder where in history and culture dresses (and make-up, for that matter) were arbitrarily assigned to females only? That would be an interesting study.]

Q: Do these socials teach you how to be gay? (Seriously, I was asked this question).
A: No. Being gay (or BTQIAP+) is not something you are taught nor "recruited" into... you just are (or aren't). Our straight GSA students are still straight. Our gay GSA students are still gay... but happy knowing they aren't alone.

Image credit: outyouth dot org

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I'll Walk With You Premier

I am blessed to have the creator of "I'll Walk With You" amongst my friends-of-comfort. His tireless service to bring understanding, peace, growth, humanity, and spirituality to those with various needs is an example to us all. He is certainly one who has magnified his calling in this life.

"I'll Walk With You" is a series of short videos submitted by active members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka "Mormons") encouraging love for our LGBT+ brothers and sisters. They tell their stories, trials, and lessons-learned. Please set aside what you think you know about LGBT+ people, open your heart, and listen with your spiritual ears.

Preview: (1:39 minutes)

Launched today, I present "I'll Walk With You."

What does this have to do with high school clubs like Gay-Straight Alliances? I have witnessed myself how the fantastic group of young people in our group have walked together and for each other as well as those in our community and state. They have have shown true brotherhood and sisterhood while trying to lift those who have felt down-trodden in a community that doesn't understand. And to them, I say, "I, too, will walk with you."

And I leave this with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Image credit: poetrypoem dot com

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Our GSA Invitation to State Capitol for SB:100 Rally

Our GSA members were asked to speak at the State Capitol, again, and our representative was one of a handful of speakers supporting Senate Bill 100 which would extend housing and employment protection to LGBT citizens and those merely perceived to be LGBT. Four GSA members were able to attend this mid-day event. (Thank you!)

Links to media coverage:
Fox 13 News - video and short article
4Utah - video and article
Deseret News - article and 27 photos
Times Union - article and 6 photos

Our rep's speech:

I'm [     ] and I am a part - perhaps a small part - of the Gay-Straight Alliance club in [    ]. I'm sort-of like the unofficial bouncer, due to my height; and the unofficial LGBT+ historian, due to my fascination with everything historical. Though, most of the credit for starting the GSA should go to the notable students who fought fiercely for the club's institution: students like [   ], [   ], [   ], and [   ], among others; the faculty advisers: [   ] and [   ]; and the official club mom: [   ]; I like to think that I am a small but important part in our small but growing club.

When our GSA first was coalescing little more than a year ago, [historically] we faced an uphill battle against the ingrained prejudices at the heart of Utah county. Prior to our current club’s foundation there were many attempts at establishing a GSA. Though their teachers supported them, multiple times were the requisite signatures and club constitutions obtained in order to be approved as an official club. Multiple times were these very signatures and constitutions lost, misplaced, or invalidated on a technicality. And multiple times were the GSA member hopefuls forced to wait yet another year to start anew, as the deadline for club registration had passed in our school district.

When the efforts to start the GSA succeeded last year partially due to a change in administration and the changing tides of history, we knew there would be a tough time gaining the favor of our classmates. Indeed, when we put up signs and posters throughout our school to try and spread the word of our new club, many were torn down, drawn on, or otherwise vandalized by prejudiced individuals, as what might be expected coming from Utah county.

But, after our first wave of posters, and progressing thereafter exponentially, most who once possessed a hate within their hearts for our club became more and more ambivalent and apathetic towards our club's existence. And those who were once on-the-fence regarding the GSA, became more and more accepting and promoting of the club. Though we are still a long way away from the goal of complete equality for all and the elimination of all forms of hate and discrimination, we have nevertheless made significant strides toward fighting inequality in our school and neighborhood.

Despite the local success of our GSA, we impact only a small area in Utah, let alone the U.S. or the World. Which is why larger-scale, affirmative, juridical actions desperately need to be taken to end discrimination of all kinds. Just as our club of no more than twenty people influence the culture of a school of two thousand, so-too will Utah's population of two million be influenced by a couple thousand determined volunteers.

The suffix "anti" is from the Greek for "against." Which is why anyone who is against the unjust discrimination of people - people just like everyone else, ought to be for the "Anti"-discrimination bill. I want to live in a country - and a world for that matter - in which everyone is "Anti"-discrimination. I want to live in a world where everyone can safely enjoy the comforts and security of indoors; where everyone is judged in their workplace by the quality of their work, and the content of their character; and everyone is equal under the gaze of the law. In order to accomplish this noble and worthy goal, all of us need to let all our voices be heard. Only then can we end discrimination.

The Capitol 13 invite you to return to the Utah State Capitol, “Louder Than a Lion!” Wednesday March 5th, at 12:30pm in the Rotunda. 

72 percent of Utahns support a statewide nondiscrimination bill, yet Senate leadership has decided that they will not hear SB100. We’ve posted notes, we’ve emailed, we’ve lobbied, we’ve had town halls, heck, some of us have even been arrested! 

They remain unmoved. 

How do we win equal protection for all LGBT Utahns? We joyfully raise our voice and shake loose the dome! Join us on March 5th as we send a message to the Legislature that Utah’s indefatigable LGBT family is here to stay! 

“You hear my voice, you hear that sound
Like thunder gonna shake the ground!” 

Speakers will include members of The Capitol 13, Equality Utah, the American Fork GSA and Senator Jim Dabakis. 

Bring your love, bring your family, bring your voice. 


We stand as One Utah, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for ALL.

Image Credit: abstract dot desktopnexus dot com

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Our GSA Invitation to the State Capitol for Compassionate Conversation Event

Last Thursday, our faculty advisor received the following letter from Equality Utah:

Hey [    ], looks like you just can’t get rid of me! Ha. So, Senator Dabakis is hosting a “Compassionate Conversation” next week to help share the stories of LGBT people and their allies to some of his republican colleagues at the legislature. He specifically wanted me to reach out again and invite the [   ] GSA and its advisors to be in the room and hopefully share a little of why building welcoming spaces in our state is so important.

The meeting is next Wednesday @ 6pm in the Capitol. Would you and some of your students want to come down and attend?

Please let me know.

With Senator Dabakis
I wish our whole group could have gone.
This was a very special invitation to a historic event. There were about 12 people invited to speak, and our GSA student was one of them! Three of our faculty advisors, 5 GSA members, and I attended. It was wonderful and up-lifting. The stories of discrimination were heartbreaking, but the opportunity to be heard was heart-healing. 
These are great souls. I would be proud
to be any of their moms.
Here is a link for the testimonies: Equality Utah

These are links of local news coverage of the event:
sltrib - article, photos
Fox13 - article, video
2KUTV - article, video
ksl - article, video
ABC4Utah - article, video

And I'd like to add this link of my friend Ellen's post about last night, how it lifted her, and her positive impression of Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox.  >> "Utah State Senate Testimony Session."

WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE A HISTORIC OCCASION-A JOURNEY OF 1000 MILES STARTS WITH A SINGLE STEP.  Senators Steve Urquhart and Jim Dabakis will host the first ever conversation between the LGBTQ Community and Utah State Leaders. The Lt Governor of the State of Utah, Assistant Attorney General, the President of the Senate, legislative leadership, members of the House and Senate will gather to listen to the testimonies of twelve honored LGBTQ Utahns from every part of the state.

Our GSA Invitation to Equality Utah's Freedom Brunch

February 15, 2014, Equality Utah hosted a Freedom Brunch in the State Capitol Rotunda. Senator Dabakis was impressed with the letters from our GSA students regarding SB100 and invited them to sit with him and speak at the brunch. The students and faculty advisor had a wonderful time. They reported during the following GSA meeting that audience members were crying during their talks and gave them a standing ovation. I'm so proud of them!
Senator Steve Urquhart & Senator Jim Dabakis request the pleasure of your company at Equality Utah's 1st Annual Freedom Brunch & Silent Auction.

Housing and Workplace discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Utahns is a real and pervasive problem in our state. It robs hardworking, law abiding Utahns of the basic opportunity and freedom to earn a living, shelter their families, and contribute to society.

The Utah Legislature decided in a closed door meeting NOT to consider SB100 this session. This bill would have ended unfair workplace & housing discrimination in our state. The reason given for stifling debate on the Senate floor is concern that legislators might make comments that would show "animus" toward gay and transgender Utahns. We can't think of a better reason why a non-discrimination bill is so critically needed in our state. We will not continue to ask legislators for their permission or their consent. 2014 must be the year to change the face of the Utah legislature and elect pro-equality candidates who are willing to represent the true heart of our state. Join us NEXT Saturday for our inaugural Freedom Brunch. All proceeds directly fund Equality Utah PAC efforts to elect pro-equality candidates.

We will not rest until all Utahns have the freedom to work, the freedom to live and the freedom to marry.

Come witness the inner workings of the local movement towards full equality and meet the people making the headlines this legislative session. We invite you to join us for this history making event happening right in the heat of the 2014 legislative session.

Join us for this landmark inaugural event as we bring together both sides of the aisle in the name of Equality and Opportunity for all Utahns. Enjoy a decadent brunch in the spectacular Utah State Capitol Rotunda, and take this opportunity to get to know your equality endorsed elected officials in-person.

Your ticket gets you a five star brunch & silent auction, as well as a behind the scenes look into this year's legislative session and strategy. 
Image Credit: Zazzle dot com

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Links to Studies That Show GSA Benefits

Occasionally, someone will send me links that show the benefits of GSAs, and I really appreciate that support. (Thank you!) I will collect and post them here.

GSAs are beneficial to heterosexuals, also.

Image Credit: lgbts dot umd dot edu

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

To Our GSA Students, From Senator Valentine

Update: Sen. Valentine voted to not even consider the bill this session. (Sen. Urquhart was the only one who voted to look at the bill. This is the 6th year this bill has been proposed and ignored). These senators are not representing the people (70% polled are for it). Makes me wonder who they are representing. Here's an article from today, 2-7-14: HERE.

Last week, GSA students wrote to our local legislator, Senator Valentine, asking him to read and consider Utah SB 100. You can read the letters HERE.

Senator Valentine respectfully responded to the students. I am disappointed, however, that he doesn't separate housing and employment discrimination from the gay-marriage debate (his is stance on it, btw, shows that he believes that the majority should be allowed to determine minority rights*). He also doesn't seem to have taken the time to educate himself about what transgender is. I want to believe that if he understood, his letter would be much different. But I am grateful that he responded to them.

If you could make sure that {    } and {    } receive this letter, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

Dear {    } and {     },

Thank you for your input about SB100, Antidiscrimination Amendments.

As your legislator, I share your concern about this issue and understand your strong feelings about it.

Judge Shelby’s decision is a reaction by the Judicial Branch of government to policy decisions already made by Utah’s Legislature and the people of Utah.  The Utah Legislature strongly supports traditional marriage for the state of Utah:  it submitted Amendment 3, a proposed constitutional amendment that defines marriage as a legal union between and man and a woman, to the voters; and it has enacted laws implementing that definition.  The voters, by enacting Amendment 3 as Article I, Section 29 of Utah’s Constitution, also emphatically adopted that definition of marriage for all of the citizens of the state of Utah.

I am concerned about the unintended consequences of SB100. No one condones hate driven discrimination, but there are provisions in this Bill that are problematic, such as defining and protecting “gender identity” (without regard to birth) and “sexual orientation” (actual or perceived orientation as heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual). These and other provisions contained in SB100 cause me grave concern about the legitimacy of this legislation. With the backdrop of the challenge to our constitution, it is premature to take up consideration of such far reaching legislation.

It is also important to separate this issue from the people involved.  As your legislator, I respect our gay and lesbian citizens and their families and understand their commitment to their beliefs.  I would urge you, and all the members of our community, to actively show respect for everyone involved with this issue, regardless of their position or their comments.

Thank you for interest in this, and other, issues of importance to the state of Utah and its citizens. It is an honor and privilege to serve as your legislator.


Senator John Valentine

Last thought: "It is also important to separate this issue from the people involved." -- Hm. IMO, there has been too much separation between this issue and the people involved. This issue is about people and affects them greatly. But, I suppose he could be trying to say to not let his differing opinion about this one issue make you think he's not a good leader in other areas. 

image credit: sonsoflibertytees dot com
*2-5-14: A response to Utah's brief to the 10th Circuit: "While it is generally conceded that the teachings of the LDS Church have traditionally contributed to the stability of Utah's families … it is wrong for the State to serve as the enforcer of Mormon teachings - even if a majority of the citizens in this state are Mormon. It is further wrong - and unconstitutional - to use such teachings in order to deny civil rights to a minority of citizens of this state." 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

GSA Students Worry About Their Future in Utah and Support SB 100

Update: These letters have generated invitations from Senator Dabakis and Equality Utah: Freedom Brunch post and Compassionate Conversations post.

Currently in Utah, it is okay to fire or evict someone merely for being LGBTQ or just perceived as being LGBTQ. They could be model employees or residents but lose their home and right to make a living based on orientation and identity. SB 100 will change the anti-discrimination amendments to include LGBT protection. Religious institutions, small businesses with less-than 15 employees, and landlords with less than 5 units are exempt from the bill; they may continue discriminating. Link to bill at end of post.

GSA students concerned with their futures write to our local senator:


Senator Valentine,

I am [a member] of the Gay-Straight Alliance at American Fork High School, and I just wanted to write a letter showing my support of SB 100. This bill is so important for me and other people like me.

School has always been a top priority for me, and I've worked really hard. I graduate this year, and I look forward to going to college, moving out, getting a job, but the thought that I could be fired because I'm bisexual is very worrisome.

Like I said, this bill is important, and I really think it needs to be passed. Thank you for taking the time to read this.




To whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter in support of SB 100. Utah law already prohibits workplace and housing discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, pregnancy/childbirth, age, national origin, or disability, and I feel that it is completely fair that sexual-orientation and gender identity are added to this list. There is no reason to discriminate against anyone, and especially not through housing and in the workplace. I do not feel that there is any reason to oppose this addition to the anti-discrimination amendments. If anything, it is a completely necessary addition.  The amendments themselves are there to prevent any sort of discrimination and because there is now a very present need for an addition, it is completely reasonable to update these amendments so that they can further protect all Utah citizens from discrimination in the workplace and housing.

As a student of American fork High School, a straight ally, and [member] of the first ever Gay-Straight Alliance of AFHS, I would love to see this addition be added for all of my friends who in the very near future have to face theses challenges. It's discouraging to think that these people I know and love can be fired and evicted merely on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identification. They are all wonderful people who deserve to have their rights protected, too. I would love to see the day when the LGBTQ+ community is truly given the equal rights that the rest of us US citizens are given, and here, an addition to the anti-discrimination amendments in the state of Utah is definitely a step in the right direction.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for everything that you are doing to better our state. God bless.

(name), Senior


Senator Valentine,

My name is {   }, I'm a senior in high school, I have a solid 3.0 GPA, I'm {a member} of the first official GSA (gay - straight alliance) in the Alpine School District, and I've been openly identified as "gay" for the past three and a half years. I always knew that I was gay, no one influenced my decision, because it wasn't a decision. Now you have a decision; you have the biggest influence on passing the SB-100 bill. It's a very scary thought that if this bill isn't passed, I could lose my apartment when I get one, if I get one, and that I could potentially lose my job solely because I am gay.

Being 18, openly gay, and a very proud resident of Utah, I say, "Hear me," as well as all the others out there who fear the same thing I do. In all respect and in the best way possible, please, sign the SB-100 bill. Time will heal a bigoted heart, love for all will heal the wounds inflicted by the many years of struggle, but a decision to make it okay for employers to turn away an LGBT+ human being from a job or a place to live will never be forgotten.

All WE can hope for is that you sign the bill. Either way, you'll end up with upset people, and for that I apologize, but at the end of the day people -- whether straight, gay, or bi, lesbian, transgendered, or questioning -- are people. As I always say: When we're all dead, what's it gonna matter what our sexuality was? We're all essentially just flesh with brains and feelings. No human should fear for their future. Thank you for hearing what I have to say and have a wonderful day.


To read SB 100, click >> HERE.
To read State Senator Urquhart's short follow-up blog post re this bill, click >> HERE.