Thursday, February 27, 2014

Our GSA Invitation to Equality Utah's Freedom Brunch

February 15, 2014, Equality Utah hosted a Freedom Brunch in the State Capitol Rotunda. Senator Dabakis was impressed with the letters from our GSA students regarding SB100 and invited them to sit with him and speak at the brunch. The students and faculty advisor had a wonderful time. They reported during the following GSA meeting that audience members were crying during their talks and gave them a standing ovation. I'm so proud of them!
Senator Steve Urquhart & Senator Jim Dabakis request the pleasure of your company at Equality Utah's 1st Annual Freedom Brunch & Silent Auction.

Housing and Workplace discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Utahns is a real and pervasive problem in our state. It robs hardworking, law abiding Utahns of the basic opportunity and freedom to earn a living, shelter their families, and contribute to society.

The Utah Legislature decided in a closed door meeting NOT to consider SB100 this session. This bill would have ended unfair workplace & housing discrimination in our state. The reason given for stifling debate on the Senate floor is concern that legislators might make comments that would show "animus" toward gay and transgender Utahns. We can't think of a better reason why a non-discrimination bill is so critically needed in our state. We will not continue to ask legislators for their permission or their consent. 2014 must be the year to change the face of the Utah legislature and elect pro-equality candidates who are willing to represent the true heart of our state. Join us NEXT Saturday for our inaugural Freedom Brunch. All proceeds directly fund Equality Utah PAC efforts to elect pro-equality candidates.

We will not rest until all Utahns have the freedom to work, the freedom to live and the freedom to marry.

Come witness the inner workings of the local movement towards full equality and meet the people making the headlines this legislative session. We invite you to join us for this history making event happening right in the heat of the 2014 legislative session.

Join us for this landmark inaugural event as we bring together both sides of the aisle in the name of Equality and Opportunity for all Utahns. Enjoy a decadent brunch in the spectacular Utah State Capitol Rotunda, and take this opportunity to get to know your equality endorsed elected officials in-person.

Your ticket gets you a five star brunch & silent auction, as well as a behind the scenes look into this year's legislative session and strategy. 
Image Credit: Zazzle dot com